

小老虎丹尼尔 第三季
2014 2.0分 欧美动漫
韩剧网-韩剧TV(Yizhipu.com)是中文最大的韩剧视频网站,为您提供小老虎丹尼尔 第三季高清在线观看
忍者神龟:崛起 第一季
2018 4.0分 欧美动漫
韩剧网-韩剧TV(Yizhipu.com)是中文最大的韩剧视频网站,为您提供忍者神龟:崛起 第一季高清在线观看
大红狗克里弗 第二季
2020 7.0分 欧美动漫
韩剧网-韩剧TV(Yizhipu.com)是中文最大的韩剧视频网站,为您提供大红狗克里弗 第二季高清在线观看
我与超人的冒险 第二季
2024 1.0分 欧美动漫
韩剧网-韩剧TV(Yizhipu.com)是中文最大的韩剧视频网站,为您提供我与超人的冒险 第二季高清在线观看
独角兽学院 第二季
2024 5.0分 欧美动漫
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韩剧网-韩剧TV(Yizhipu.com)是中文最大的韩剧视频网站,为您提供独角兽学院 第二季高清在线观看
猫和老鼠2014 第四季
2019 9.0分 欧美动漫
韩剧网-韩剧TV(Yizhipu.com)是中文最大的韩剧视频网站,为您提供猫和老鼠2014 第四季高清在线观看


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  Adam's older brother was killed in a car crash a year ago. His family has not been the same since. As his parents struggle to cope with their g永生守卫2rief, Adam (10), plagued with guilt over his brother's death feels he is all alone in the world. But everything changes the day he meets Abulele. The Abulele are ancient monsters, bear-sized. Local legends tell that they are extremely dangerous, but in fact, they turn out to be quite friendly and playful creatures. Abulele quickly becomes Adam's best and most secret friend. Together, they outsmart Adam&qq快播amp;#39;s mean schoolteacher and beat the class bullies. But Adam's parents start to suspect he is harboring a secret, And when a government, Special Forces unit called "Thunder曰产" appears in the neighborhood on a mission to capture Abulele things go from bad to worse. In order to save his best friend, Adam will have to get Abulele back home to its family, and to do so, he will need to put the past behind him and realize that when you truly love someone, ...
